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Afrikaans word for fault

probviegacerseige90 2022. 8. 4. 17:00
  1. Translate Afrikaans to English online | T.
  2. Afrikaans insults - E.
  3. Do You Know How to Say Fault in Different Languages?.
  4. EOF.
  5. Afrikaans Pronunciation | Afrikaans Vowels and Consonants.
  6. Afrikaans–English dictionary: Translation of the word "skuins".
  7. Translate English to Afrikaans online | T.
  8. Do You Know How to Say Fault in Afrikaans?.
  9. Fault - English spelling dictionary - Spellzone.
  10. How to say "it was my fault" in Afrikaans.
  11. Afrikaans–English dictionary: Translation of the word "skuld".
  12. Do You Know How to Say Find fault in Igbo?.
  13. How to say failure in Afrikaans.

Translate Afrikaans to English online | T.

Meanings for fault fault current (electronics) equipment failure attributable to some defect in a circuit (loose connection or insulation failure or short circuit etc.) an imperfection in a device or machine put or pin the blame on It is a noun that represents a piece of work in an unsatisfactory manner. Add a meaning Synonyms for fault malfunction. The Afrikaans for find fault is vind skuld. Find more Afrikaans words at !.

Afrikaans insults - E.

If you want to know how to say fault in Afrikaans, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand Afrikaans better. Here is the translation and the Afrikaans word for fault: fout Edit. Fault in all languages. Dictionary Entries near fault. fatty food; fatuous; faucet; fault; faultless; faulty; fauna; Cite this Entry. However, it is important to point out that the language cannot be blamed for this. It is the fault of some of the users of the language, who use it as a tool to exclude, insult, discriminate and hurt others. In a way, Nzimande concurred when he said: “We are not fighting Afrikaans; Afrikaans is one of our official languages. Afrikaans English; skuins: acock; askance; askant; askew; aslant; aslope; crank; edgeways; edgewise; italic; oblique; obliquely; on the cross; out of the vertical.

Do You Know How to Say Fault in Different Languages?.

The better you pronounce a letter in a word, the more understood you will be in speaking the Afrikaans language. Below is a table showing the Afrikaans alphabet and how it is pronounced in English, and finally examples of how those letters would sound if you place them in a word. Afrikaans Alphabet. English Sound. Pronunciation Example. A a. aa.


Here is the translation and the Albanian word for find fault: gjej faj Edit. Find fault in all languages. Dictionary Entries near find fault. find; find a job; find a way; find fault; find out; find out more about; find work; Cite this Entry "Find fault in Albanian." In Different. Verb - A verb is a word that expresses an action or a state of being.. Adverb - An adverb describes how the action is performed. They tell how much, how often, when and where something is done. Noun - A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea. Nouns are the subject of a sentence. Common Noun - A noun that does not name a specific person, place or thing.. Here is the translation and the Malay word for find fault.

Afrikaans Pronunciation | Afrikaans Vowels and Consonants.

English translation of the Afrikaans word "fout". By using our services, you implicitly agree to our use of cookies. Afrikaans Dictionary. To use this dictionary from and into Afrikaans to English simply type or paste your text below and press the dictionary button. If you're interested in Afrikaans Translation of a whole sentence or text then go to the main Translation page and choose this language. Don't forget to check our other lessons listed on Learn. Default: [noun] failure to do something required by duty or law neglect.

Afrikaans–English dictionary: Translation of the word "skuins".

Nier versaking power failure kragonderbreking single point of failure enkele punt van mislukking catastrophic failure katastrofale mislukking failure to appear versuim om te verskyn equipment failure toerusting mislukking engine failure enjinsfaling crop failure oesversaking failure rate versuimkoers Nearby Translations fail to understand. Kid's stuff. Like Dutch, Afrikaans has two words for some body parts: a human word, and an animal word which is also used on people as an impoliteness. Mond is the word for person's mouth, and bek is the word you use when refering to an animal's mouth. Hou jou bek! is equivalent to "shut your trap!". Answer (1 of 4): I would say that South African English is as different to American English as much as American English is different to British English spoken in the North of the country which is a greater magnitude of difference than the difference between American English and British English sp.

Translate English to Afrikaans online | T.

If you want to know how to say effectiveness in Afrikaans, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand Afrikaans better. Here is the translation and the Afrikaans word for effectiveness..

Do You Know How to Say Fault in Afrikaans?.


Fault - English spelling dictionary - Spellzone.

More Farsi words for fault noun نقص defect, deficiency, handicap, imperfection, weakness noun خطا error, mistake, miss, sin, transgression noun تقصیر guilt, offense, crime, error, delinquency noun عیب flaw, defect, blemish, deficiency, vice noun اشتباه wrong, mistake, error, fumble, boo noun گسله fault noun گناه sin, guilt, crime, offense, blame.

How to say "it was my fault" in Afrikaans.

Need to translate "it was my fault" to Afrikaans? Here's how you say it. An alternative title for referring to Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader, Julius Malema.

Afrikaans–English dictionary: Translation of the word "skuld".

Boet definition at D, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now!.

Do You Know How to Say Find fault in Igbo?.

If you want to know how to say It's my fault in Afrikaans, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand Afrikaans better. Here is the translation and the Afrikaans word for It's my fault: Dit is my skuld Edit. It's my fault in all languages.

How to say failure in Afrikaans.

Dutchman – derogatory term for Afrikaner [1] glug-glug, ama-glug-glug – lit. the sound made by a flowing liquid through a small opening, like a bottle being emptied. Also refers to a viral television advertisement from the 1980s (involving a little boy playing with his toy Ferrari Testarossa) by the South African Oil company, Sasol. Saying Fault in African Languages Saying Fault in Austronesian Languages Saying Fault in Other Foreign Languages Dictionary Entries near fault fatty food fatuous faucet fault faultless faulty fauna Cite this Entry "Fault in Different Languages." In Different Languages, Accessed 12 Jul 2022. Copy. More Afrikaans words for fault skuld noun owe defek noun deficiency verskuiwingslyn fault Find more words! fault See Also in English it was my fault dit was my skuld fault line verskuiwingslyn at fault die skuldige fault diagnosis fout diagnose fault detection foutopsporing find fault with vind fout met fault-finding fout bevinding fault finding.

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